Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This week I have an interview for an internship at a social media marketing firm called SocialMedia Pilots. I wanted to brush up on what I know and what I need to know about social media. I stumbled across an article that described what marketers plan to do with the quickly changing pace of social media trends.

According to Effie Worldwide and Mashable, 70% of marketers plan to increase their social media budget by 10%. With this increase the goal is to increase the number of Facebook "Likes". Reaching out to its audience through Facebook is a growing trend that many companies have accounted for. It is relatively easy and costs next to nothing.

In 2010, according to Mashable, marketers spent 11.9% on their overall budget compared to the 13% that was spent for TV. They also spent $68.7 billion on TV advertising, where $28 billion was spent on Internet advertising. It would seem that with where the Internet is going, in the future more money will go to online advertising.

In the next year marketers will use social media to achieve their largest marketing goal of the year. In the past year the top brands that used social media as a successful campaign for their product were Old Spice, Pepsi, Starbucks and Ford.

Going into my interview tomorrow I will keep in mind the important aspects of marketing through social media and how advertising may be leading in this direction. Many careers are beginning to develop because of this trend and I can see myself being successful in this type of business.

Wish me luck!

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