Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Mystery of Facebook

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to disappear on your Facebook news feed. Or how you constantly see some of your friends status updates, but not others? Over the years the creators of Facebook have created a behind the scene system that allows you to pick and choose what it is that you see. When the "like" button was created, it enabled you to pick what you thought was interesting and deny what you didn't want to see. They also created an option in your news feed to hide, un-like or mark as spam any material from others you didn't like. This is a way to customize your profile so that you see only what you prefer.

Another aspect to Facebook is affinity which measures the amount of interaction you have with others. The more you visit some one's page or the more they visit your page, the more information you see about them. This contributes to the weight factor and why you see posts in your recent news feed from two days ago from certain people. The more you comment, like, tag or post on some one's wall, the more of them you will see.

I do enjoy this part of Facebook and it allowing you to customize who you interact with, but this also causes me to spend more time on Facebook then I need to. This is because I become interested in why other people haven't posted a status update in a while. I then spend time finding them and catching up on their life by going directly to their page, which takes more time then reading a status update.

But there you have it, the basics of how the behind the scenes of Facebook works. What is the future of Facebook? What will be their next invention that will cause us to be even more involved in each others lives than we already are?

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