Thursday, April 14, 2011

Viral Video

In light of discussion this week, I chose to blog about viral video sensations. Millions of Americans watch videos daily and find great entertainment in watching other people. It's obvious that if you have a special moment that is caught on tape, you must instantly post it to the viral market. Many have become instantly famous through the likes of YouTube by doing this very thing.

I know that in my household we usually conjure up one video a week that we find ourselves putting on repeat. Last week I become totally obsessed with a little boy, age 2, who new every word to the Justin Bieber song, "Baby." His mother caught him in the act while riding in the car. Something as simple as that has recieved over 100,000,000 hits! He has been featured on the Today Show and made his way to appear on Jay Leno.

It is amazing how one video can be seen by millions of people within minutes. They aren't hard to produce and they don't cost much. Yet, people have made extraordinary amounts of money by allowing the world to view them.

I stumbled across this new video on . I have yet to see it anywhere, but on Mashable. It features a young lady that does animal impressions extremely well.  I would assume, based on it's uniqueness that it too will be in the category of viral videos.

Animal Impressions

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