Sunday, May 1, 2011

Determination of Our People

Today marks a day in history, May 1, 2011. Osama Bin Laden is dead and the world responds. People take to the social media channels to share the news and report their feelings. Within minutes of the release of information, I knew that Bin Laden was dead and I didn't even have to turn on my TV.

Between CNN, Facebook and Twitter, this is what the American people had to say......

-"Osama bin Laden is dead, CNN John King's reported Sunday night, citing sources. Watch CNN for the latest"
-"Osama Bin Laden death >Adolf Hitler death "-Twitter
-"Dear Teacher, Unfortunately I will not be able to finish my paper on time due to my emotional state. Osama Bin Laden just died, and I am busy celebrating.. This could take time. Sincerely, Proud to be an American"-Facebook
-"Obama just won the election."-Twitter
-"Thank you for the courage of those who serve our country and the determination of our people." Facebook

As the  semester comes to an end, we have learned that the power of social media is continually growing and making a huge impact on our lives. This is one great example of how powerful social media is and how it is shaping our country and our opinions.

It is great to know that the determination of our country and the men and women in our military are willing to stop at nothing and remove this man of evil from our lives. As a women with family and friends in the military, I am proud of the fact that the families who have lost loved ones due to this war, can have closure and know that justice was been served.

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