Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Internet Phenomena

Through the years we have seen the infamous boy bands and all the young girls hearts that they have captured. In the 80s there was New Kids On the Block. During my teen years I was obsessed with N*Sync and Backstreet Boys. Now a new star has erupted, Justin Bieber. Looking back, we saw the struggles that both New Kids and N*Sync had. It took them many years to make their presence known. Justin Bieber on the other hand, through the power of social media was able to make it big in only one year!

Growing up Bieber's mom watch him play the guitar, piano and drums before the age of six. She knew he was something special and decided to place him on YouTube. She uploaded videos of him singing on the street, playing in her basement and preforming in church. Bieber was discovered in 2008 by Scooter Bruan, who happened to come across Bieber's videos on YouTube. He eventually convinced Bieber's mom to come down to Atlanta where he was signed to Island Records. To keep this story short, he released his first single in 2009 and his album went platinum within that year.

No other artist has become this famous in this short of time. Justin is an active member on Facebook and Twitter. He has millions of fans from across the world and I think that social media has something to do with it. Facebook and Twitter make it easy for him to connect with his fans and keep them connected. In his recent movie Never Say Never, you can see Bieber making Twitter updates and making sure his fans are happy at all times.

As a Justin Bieber fan myself, I find it encouraging that a 16-year-old boy was able to pursue his dream through the power of the Internet. If you have a gift or something to say, don't be afraid to use it or show it off because you never know who will be watching . :)

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